(Part-8) A Love Tragedy

 I completed my project, thanks to her. Now we started chatting and after about 1month I felt like I should tell her my feelings and finally on 38th November, I typed a song's title and suddenly the "send" button was pressed by mistake and before I could react she replied "What is this?" I said to me that this is the perfect moment, Now or Never. I replied "I Love You", again she typed "But I Don't Love You", I felt like my life is over, I tried every possible effort to approach her, explain her how much I love her, i can't imagine life without her, But everything was wasted. She continuously scolded me and i put the phone down and went to a corner and cried about 4 hours i remembered everything I felt like depressed, that day I didn'tp took dinner also and just went to sleep but I couldn't. I was just crying and crying continuously. That was my most horrable day in my entire life till today......................................................(read further in next blog)

~Till then take care Bye Bye and Have a good Day~


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